50 and Fabulous! Miss D’s Boudoir Interview | Top Rated Scottsdale Boudoir Photography for Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert, Scottsdale, area

Miss D, like many women we get the honor of photographing at our Scottsdale boudoir studio had wanted to do a shoot like this for a long time! For her, doing a boudoir photo shoot was something she needed to do for herself. And, even though she was a bit nervous to book the shoot at first — it was something on her bucket list and she was determined to accept the challenge.

I loved that about her. She has that kind of if you want something go get it attitude. From that, she was able to set aside some of her fears and her inner confidence really thrived during her shoot with us!

Honestly, I think that is how most great things happen. You just decide that you are enough, commit, and then make it happen! With the right boudoir photographer, a positive attitude, and a support team like we have at Bella Jade Boudoir, those nerves really do begin to fade and you can start to truly see yourself in a new light.

If you’ve been putting off doing a shoot like this and are a little unsure if you are going to like the finished product, know this — choosing a boudoir photographer that feels right for you is so important. Miss D is just one of many of our clients who would agree!

Once you find one, take the chance, trust the process, and start believing you can do this too. Because you can!

Miss D says…

“The finished product definitely changed the way I see myself.”

Remember, numbers do not define you. You are good enough TODAY and we want to show you just how extraordinarily beautiful you are. You deserve to celebrate and show some love for yourself every now and again!

Miss D shares her take on what it was like for her going into this and how she felt after seeing her final boudoir photos! We also (with her permission) feature some of the beautiful imagery we created together!

Woman over 50 poses in over sized sweater  for classy intimate boudoir photos by Phoenix Boudoir Photographer in Scottsdale Arizona

What inspired you to pursue a Scottsdale boudoir session?

It has been something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time so I put it on my bucket list and checked it off!

Why did you choose Bella Jade Boudoir The Bella Jade Collection for your Arizona boudoir experience?

Once I decided to take the jump, I did an internet search and when I found Bella Jade, I felt it was a good match.

Elegant Boudoir Photo of woman over 50.

Do you consider yourself a confident person or more of a work in progress? Did this boudoir experience change the way you see yourself?

I will always be a work in progress but I felt confident enough to choose to go through with this experience.  

The finished product definitely changed the way I see myself.

Did you have any fears going into this? Were you able to overcome them?

A little anxious and nervous but that quickly went away once the process began.

What was your favorite part about your Scottsdale boudoir experience?

Everything from start to finish. Hair, makeup, and all the great direction posing!

Woman over 50 wearing a white shirt blouse boudoir outfit.

Do you have any advice for someone considering their own boudoir photo shoot?

Just do it! I promise you won’t have any regrets! I would recommend Bella Jade and Christina to my friends, 100%!

Considering booking your very own boudoir photography session in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Arizona and want to learn more? Check out our boudoir studios. Call 602-380-8112 or leave us a note here.

Ready to begin planning your very own Phoenix boudoir photography session at Bella Jade Boudoir in Scottsdale, Arizona?